New events in 2025

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Coxhall Gardens, Carmel, Indiana

The Hoosier Kitefliers Society has accepted invitations to participate in two new events in 2025.

On Saturday, April 26, the Coxhall Guild will host a new kite fly at Coxhall Gardens, a unique and fascinating park in Carmel, Indiana. The event will include a free kite-building workshop for children, while supplies last. Anyone may also bring their own kites to fly. HKS members plan to fly some of their unique kites at the event.

On Sunday, June 22, Saint Andrew United Methodist Church in West Lafayette will host a kite-building workshop for children and a fun fly on their campus. As with the Coxhall Gardens event, anyone may bring their own kites to fly and HKS members plan to fly some of their unique kites.

More information about each event is available by following links in the text above or by clicking “Events” in this website’s main menu.

Dayton Air Force museum plans week-long kite event

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The National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio plans a Kite Week March 27 to April 2. During that week, the Museum will invite kite flyers to use its expansive front field. Designated flying areas will be clearly marked, including a 600 ft by 600 ft. area reserved for large, show kites.

The field will be open during regular museum hours, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., each day of Kite Week.

Members of Cincinnati kite club PIGS Aloft plan to fly and have invited members of the Hoosier Kitefliers Society to join them. HKS members Dick and Terry Claycomb plan to be there from late afternoon March 28 through March 30.

Parking is in the main visitors’ lot or the Air Park.